Latest Episodes

The "Restrict-Binge-Regret" Cycle
The "Restrict-Binge-Regret" Cycle is THE #1 reason we struggle so much with weight loss. It's not just about losing weight, but being able to...

Break the Trauma Bond with Food
If you're familiar with toxic relationship cycles, you've likely heard of a trauma bond with another person. This is often embedded within an emotionally...

Making Decisions From Desire
So often we hold back giving ourself what we want in life, because we've been told what we want isn't valid, is frivilous, or...

Bonus: Making Valentine’s Special After Divorce
Holidays can be hard after divorce, especially a romantic holiday like Valentine's Day. Not only might there be negative emotions and memories associated with...

A New Perspective on Toxic Relationships & Food
We typically talk about toxic relationships with food and people as two completely separate concepts; however, these cycles are two sides of the same...

Welcome to Hungry for Love
Are you ready to end emotional eating, lose excess weight, and attract your dream partner—in a FUN, simple, and effective way? If you’ve ever...