Latest Episodes
Hunger Games: Why CICO is a Lie
For decades we’ve been told that weight loss is “basic math” or “simple science.” We just need to eat less and exercise more. This...
Bonus: Stylish at Any Size with Judith Gaton
Do you feel like you need the “right” size or shaped body in order to be stylish? Do you put off buying new clothes...
Patience, Prayer, and Weight Loss
Patience… it’s one of those skills we all want more of, yet don’t really know how to create. It’s also the #1 most important...
Bonus: True Happiness with Hailey Miller
We often think losing weight or having the “right" size or shape body is going to make us happy. But we’re missing the #1...
My Emotional Eating Story - Part 2
I spent over a decade as a chronic dieter - constantly trying to lose weight, never being satisfied with where I was, then terrified...
My Emotional Eating Story - Part 1
From the time I was 7 or 8 I thought I was fat. I look back now and my heart breaks for that little...