Most people will have the best of intentions when trying to give you advice to solve your binge eating habit... but it's not always helpful.
Binge eating is NOT a food problem, so it can't be a food solution.
Binge eating is an under-feeling problem (an emotional problem), so the solution has to be emotionally based.
Just taking away the food or changing the food isn't going to sovle this habit.
Tune in for more on why and what to do instead.
And if you're ready to heal your binge eating habit once and for all, I'd love to help!
As a former binge eater of 12 years, who hasn't binged in the last 5, I can confidently say that this approach works!
The first step is to schedule your free consultation at
Join me and hundreds of other women inside the Body You Crave Community on Facebook for the: 2 Bites Behind Challenge! Join here: ...
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