Welcome to the Body You Crave Podcast

May 25, 2021 00:04:10
Welcome to the Body You Crave Podcast
Hungry for Love
Welcome to the Body You Crave Podcast

May 25 2021 | 00:04:10


Show Notes

It would be easy to write this podcast off as being just another diet show telling you to ‘eat this / not that,’ but the reality is, none of that sh*t works. The #1 problem for chronic dieters is that you've only taught yourself how to binge and restrict. You're either “all in” or “all out” - there's no in between.


Over time what you find is that while you can restrict for a little while, that restriction period ends and you end up eating all the things that you previously tried to avoid. So over time your weight goes up and up and up, all the while you feel like you’re constantly dieting, constantly restricting, constantly working towards a goal that’s getting further and further away.


And the most insidious part about it, and what’s rarely ever spoken about, is how this destroys your confidence and self-belief. Because every time you try something new or go back to what used to “work” in the past, only to end up right back where you started without any significant change, the negative self talk gets louder and more vicious.


So what's the solution? Keep listening and I'll show you.

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