Have you ever noticed it’s a lot easier to start strong than to finish strong?
One of the biggest issues is that we run into obstacles or challenges, we might “fall off the wagon,” but all we ever do is “try harder” or attempt to “do better.”
But this never works, because all we end up doing is trying to control our circumstances, and that never lasts long.
You see, habits change when you teach your brain a new way to respond to your triggers.
The obstacles and challenges will always be there.
The key is identify them ahead of time and consciously think through how you want to show up differently.
This is how you prevent the fizzle.
Join me for today’s episode where I talk about the #1 issue that has people fizzling out on their new year’s goals and 3 simple steps you can take to avoid falling into this same trap.
Ready to create the life and body you crave, without sacrificing your favorite food, drinks, or special occasions?
Schedule your free consultation at www.bodyyoucrave.com/schedule and I’ll help you create a plan that feels way more fun and easy than you ever could have imagined!
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