Goal Drama

Episode 73 January 18, 2023 00:24:08
Goal Drama
Body You Crave
Goal Drama

Jan 18 2023 | 00:24:08


Show Notes

The purpose of a goal is NOT specifically so that you can achieve it.


I know, it sounds completely counterintuitive! 


But while the goal gives us direction and a target to aim for, 


The real value is in who you become on your way to that goal. 


How many times have you lost weight in the past, but then gained it back? 


That’s because you didn’t change how you thought about food, yourself, your body, or exercise. 


You took different actions for a while, but you fell back to new habits once you hit the goal (or once you hit a plateau and stopped seeing results). 


The key to creating long term success is changing how you show up in the this world for good. 


Join me for today’s episode where we dive deeper into setting goals and why it’s important to trigger some of our drama on purpose, so that we can truly work through it. 


Ready to create the life and body you crave in 2023? 

Schedule your free consult at www.bodyyoucrave.com/schedule and I’ll show you how to eat healthy and lose weight without needing willpower or feeling deprived.

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