How many times have you thought, "who am I to do that," or "I'm not good at that?"
Don’t worry, even high achievers and successful people have these thoughts; the difference is that they’ve learned how to work through them.
You see, clarity comes from taking action, NOT from having the “perfect” plan or it being the “right” time.
If you feel a tug at your heart that you’re meant for something more, then THIS is the episode for you!
Today I’m joined by Dr. Kerry Petsigner, a Mindset and High-Performance Coach who helps people master their inner game.
Kerry specializes in turning dreamers into doers with her free 5 Day Mornings That Matter Challenge and helping you create Success That Matters.
What’s in this episode:
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Ready to end emotional eating, lose excess weight and feel amazing in your body?
Head to where I share the counterintuitive reason why all your attempts to restrict food over the years has actually led to WEIGHT GAIN, and the mental “switch” you need to flick that’ll let you drop lbs, without sacrificing wine, carbs or the foods you love.
It's easy to blame circumstances (like travel, the holidays, eating out) for why we can't lose weight or stick with eating plans... But just...
Our brains are wired to seek pleasure and avoid pain (mental, emotional, or physical) via the path of least resistance. This means it's really...
Have you ever thought to yourself: "I know what to do... I'm just not doing it." Don't worry - me too. This is a...