We don’t always need a “grand plan” to achieve new goals or change habits…
Sometimes we simply need to do the opposite of what we’ve been doing.
Simple, but doesn’t always feel ‘easy’ in the moment - and that’s ok.
I’ll walk you through examples of how to start doing the opposite in any area of life and in a way that feels doable.
When you’re ready to take charge of your life and create the future vision you’ve been dreaming of, I’d love to help!
Schedule your free consultation at www.bodyyoucrave.com/schedule and I’ll show you how to start making that dream a reality!
From the time I was 7 or 8 I thought I was fat. I look back now and my heart breaks for that little...
One of the biggest challenges with the diet industry is that they only teach you how to lose weight in a vacuum. Don't go...
I spent over a decade as a chronic dieter - constantly trying to lose weight, never being satisfied with where I was, then terrified...