There are A LOT of diet rules out there… so many that contradict one another it’s hard to know what to even follow.
Things like, just cut out fat, carbs, sugar, processed foods, animal products, meat, dairy, gluten, cholesterol, salt…
And on and on the well-meaning advice continues, but the reality is WHAT you eat isn’t nearly as important as WHY you’re eating.
This first step to end emotional eating is simple, but it won’t always feel easy in the moment (and that’s ok). Keep listening to find out more.
What’s in this episode:
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Ready to end emotional eating, lose excess weight and feel amazing in your body?
Head to where I share the counterintuitive reason why all your attempts to restrict food over the years has actually led to WEIGHT GAIN, and the mental “switch” you need to flick that’ll let you drop lbs, without sacrificing wine, carbs or the foods you love.
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