Welcome to a brand new series:
3 Simple Steps to Lose Weight for LIFE (whilst eating the foods you love!) ;)
One of the most common problems people come to me with is that they can lose weight... but then it always finds them again.
It's time to end the war with food and learn to love your body NOW and all the way down the scale.
And I promise it's much simpler than you think!
Tune in today and all month long for the exact roadmap you need to see lasting results, whilst creating a life that lights you up inside!
We often think losing weight or having the “right" size or shape body is going to make us happy. But we’re missing the #1...
I spent over a decade as a chronic dieter - constantly trying to lose weight, never being satisfied with where I was, then terrified...
Quick note that the Lamas all got sick last week and are continueing to recover. I'll be back next week with more great content!