Decoding Procrastination

Episode 14 August 31, 2021 00:28:32
Decoding Procrastination
Hungry for Love
Decoding Procrastination

Aug 31 2021 | 00:28:32


Show Notes

Procrasti-snacking... Procrasti-cleaning... Productive procrastination (you know, when you do something you “should be” doing anyways, instead of what you actually planned)... 

However you like to procrastinate best, know that this is something ALL humans do, but it can lead to massive frustration, criticism, and self judgement as well. 

Procrastination is simply another form of self protection - your brain is trying to keep you safe. 


Join me on today's episode where I share:


For full show notes, resources and links visit


Ready to end emotional eating, lose excess weight and feel amazing in your body? 

Head to where I share the counterintuitive reason why all your attempts to restrict food over the years has actually led to WEIGHT GAIN, and the mental “switch” you need to flick that’ll let you drop lbs, without sacrificing wine, carbs or the foods you love.

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